Kint PHP debugging tool - overview

Debug variables

$this->getUser() User(4)
  • contents
  • Available methods (8)
  • Static class properties (4)
  • public additionalData -> array(5)
    'last_login' => DateTime(3)
    • contents
    • Available methods (18)
    • Static class properties (12)
    • public date -> string(26) "2025-03-15 15:00:54.000000"
      public timezone_type -> integer3
      public timezone -> string(3) "UTC"
    • public static __set_state()
      Defined in :
      public static createFromFormat($format, $time, $object)
      Defined in :
      public static getLastErrors()
      Defined in :
      public __construct($time, $object)
      Defined in :
      public __wakeup()
      Defined in :
      public add($interval)
      Defined in :
      public diff($object, $absolute)
      Defined in :
      public format($format)
      Defined in :
      public getOffset()
      Defined in :
      public getTimestamp()
      Defined in :
      public getTimezone()
      Defined in :
      public modify($modify)
      Defined in :
      public setDate($year, $month, $day)
      Defined in :
      public setISODate($year, $week, $day)
      Defined in :
      public setTime($hour, $minute, $second)
      Defined in :
      public setTimestamp($unixtimestamp)
      Defined in :
      public setTimezone($timezone)
      Defined in :
      public sub($interval)
      Defined in :
    • constant ATOM :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
      constant COOKIE :: string(16) "l, d-M-Y H:i:s T"
      constant ISO8601 :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sO"
      constant RFC822 :: string(16) "D, d M y H:i:s O"
      constant RFC850 :: string(16) "l, d-M-y H:i:s T"
      constant RFC1036 :: string(16) "D, d M y H:i:s O"
      constant RFC1123 :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
      constant RFC2822 :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
      constant RFC3339 :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
      constant RFC3339_EXTENDED :: string(15) "Y-m-d\TH:i:s.vP"
      constant RSS :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
      constant W3C :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
    'current_unix_timestamp' => integer1742050854
    • timestamp
    • 2025-03-15 15:00:54
    'random_rgb_color_code' => string(7) "#FF9900"
    • CSS color
    • #FF9900
      hex : #ff9900 rgb : rgb( 255, 153, 0 ) hsl : hsl( 36, 100%, 50% )
    'impressions' => integer60
    'nickname' => string(8) "Someuser"
    private username -> string(13) "demo_username"
    private password -> string(13) "demo_password"
    private createdDate -> DateTime(3)
    • contents
    • Available methods (18)
    • Static class properties (12)
    • public date -> string(26) "2013-10-10 00:00:00.000000"
      public timezone_type -> integer3
      public timezone -> string(3) "UTC"
    • public static __set_state()
      Defined in :
      public static createFromFormat($format, $time, $object)
      Defined in :
      public static getLastErrors()
      Defined in :
      public __construct($time, $object)
      Defined in :
      public __wakeup()
      Defined in :
      public add($interval)
      Defined in :
      public diff($object, $absolute)
      Defined in :
      public format($format)
      Defined in :
      public getOffset()
      Defined in :
      public getTimestamp()
      Defined in :
      public getTimezone()
      Defined in :
      public modify($modify)
      Defined in :
      public setDate($year, $month, $day)
      Defined in :
      public setISODate($year, $week, $day)
      Defined in :
      public setTime($hour, $minute, $second)
      Defined in :
      public setTimestamp($unixtimestamp)
      Defined in :
      public setTimezone($timezone)
      Defined in :
      public sub($interval)
      Defined in :
    • constant ATOM :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
      constant COOKIE :: string(16) "l, d-M-Y H:i:s T"
      constant ISO8601 :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sO"
      constant RFC822 :: string(16) "D, d M y H:i:s O"
      constant RFC850 :: string(16) "l, d-M-y H:i:s T"
      constant RFC1036 :: string(16) "D, d M y H:i:s O"
      constant RFC1123 :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
      constant RFC2822 :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
      constant RFC3339 :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
      constant RFC3339_EXTENDED :: string(15) "Y-m-d\TH:i:s.vP"
      constant RSS :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
      constant W3C :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
  • public __construct()
    Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:39
    public ensure()
    Dummy method that triggers trace
    Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:75
    public getCreatedDate() -> \DateTime date object
    @return \DateTime date object
    Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:65
    public getFullName() -> string
    @return string
    Inherited from BaseUser
    Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:24
    public isEqualTo(BaseUser $user)
    Check is user is equal to another user
    Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:44
    public setAdditionalData(array $data)
    Set additional data
    @array $data
    Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:60
    public setCreatedDate(DateTime $date)
    @param \DateTime $date
    Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:70
    public setUsername($username) -> array
    Get data from this demo class
    @param string $username
    @return array
    Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:53
  • constant DEFAULT_PATH :: string(17) "some/default/path"
    constant ROLE_DISALLOWED :: integer1
    constant ROLE_ALLOWED :: integer2
    constant ROLE_FORBIDDEN :: integer3
$userManager UserManager(1)
  • contents
  • Available methods (3)
  • private user -> User(4)
    • contents
    • Available methods (8)
    • Static class properties (4)
    • public additionalData -> array(5)
      'last_login' => DateTime(3)
      • contents
      • Available methods (18)
      • Static class properties (12)
      • public date -> string(26) "2025-03-15 15:00:54.000000"
        public timezone_type -> integer3
        public timezone -> string(3) "UTC"
      • public static __set_state()
        Defined in :
        public static createFromFormat($format, $time, $object)
        Defined in :
        public static getLastErrors()
        Defined in :
        public __construct($time, $object)
        Defined in :
        public __wakeup()
        Defined in :
        public add($interval)
        Defined in :
        public diff($object, $absolute)
        Defined in :
        public format($format)
        Defined in :
        public getOffset()
        Defined in :
        public getTimestamp()
        Defined in :
        public getTimezone()
        Defined in :
        public modify($modify)
        Defined in :
        public setDate($year, $month, $day)
        Defined in :
        public setISODate($year, $week, $day)
        Defined in :
        public setTime($hour, $minute, $second)
        Defined in :
        public setTimestamp($unixtimestamp)
        Defined in :
        public setTimezone($timezone)
        Defined in :
        public sub($interval)
        Defined in :
      • constant ATOM :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
        constant COOKIE :: string(16) "l, d-M-Y H:i:s T"
        constant ISO8601 :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sO"
        constant RFC822 :: string(16) "D, d M y H:i:s O"
        constant RFC850 :: string(16) "l, d-M-y H:i:s T"
        constant RFC1036 :: string(16) "D, d M y H:i:s O"
        constant RFC1123 :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
        constant RFC2822 :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
        constant RFC3339 :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
        constant RFC3339_EXTENDED :: string(15) "Y-m-d\TH:i:s.vP"
        constant RSS :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
        constant W3C :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
      'current_unix_timestamp' => integer1742050854
      • timestamp
      • 2025-03-15 15:00:54
      'random_rgb_color_code' => string(7) "#FF9900"
      • CSS color
      • #FF9900
        hex : #ff9900 rgb : rgb( 255, 153, 0 ) hsl : hsl( 36, 100%, 50% )
      'impressions' => integer60
      'nickname' => string(8) "Someuser"
      private username -> string(13) "demo_username"
      private password -> string(13) "demo_password"
      private createdDate -> DateTime(3)
      • contents
      • Available methods (18)
      • Static class properties (12)
      • public date -> string(26) "2013-10-10 00:00:00.000000"
        public timezone_type -> integer3
        public timezone -> string(3) "UTC"
      • public static __set_state()
        Defined in :
        public static createFromFormat($format, $time, $object)
        Defined in :
        public static getLastErrors()
        Defined in :
        public __construct($time, $object)
        Defined in :
        public __wakeup()
        Defined in :
        public add($interval)
        Defined in :
        public diff($object, $absolute)
        Defined in :
        public format($format)
        Defined in :
        public getOffset()
        Defined in :
        public getTimestamp()
        Defined in :
        public getTimezone()
        Defined in :
        public modify($modify)
        Defined in :
        public setDate($year, $month, $day)
        Defined in :
        public setISODate($year, $week, $day)
        Defined in :
        public setTime($hour, $minute, $second)
        Defined in :
        public setTimestamp($unixtimestamp)
        Defined in :
        public setTimezone($timezone)
        Defined in :
        public sub($interval)
        Defined in :
      • constant ATOM :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
        constant COOKIE :: string(16) "l, d-M-Y H:i:s T"
        constant ISO8601 :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sO"
        constant RFC822 :: string(16) "D, d M y H:i:s O"
        constant RFC850 :: string(16) "l, d-M-y H:i:s T"
        constant RFC1036 :: string(16) "D, d M y H:i:s O"
        constant RFC1123 :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
        constant RFC2822 :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
        constant RFC3339 :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
        constant RFC3339_EXTENDED :: string(15) "Y-m-d\TH:i:s.vP"
        constant RSS :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
        constant W3C :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
    • public __construct()
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:39
      public ensure()
      Dummy method that triggers trace
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:75
      public getCreatedDate() -> \DateTime date object
      @return \DateTime date object
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:65
      public getFullName() -> string
      @return string
      Inherited from BaseUser
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:24
      public isEqualTo(BaseUser $user)
      Check is user is equal to another user
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:44
      public setAdditionalData(array $data)
      Set additional data
      @array $data
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:60
      public setCreatedDate(DateTime $date)
      @param \DateTime $date
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:70
      public setUsername($username) -> array
      Get data from this demo class
      @param string $username
      @return array
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:53
    • constant DEFAULT_PATH :: string(17) "some/default/path"
      constant ROLE_DISALLOWED :: integer1
      constant ROLE_ALLOWED :: integer2
      constant ROLE_FORBIDDEN :: integer3
  • public debugUser($user)
    Debug specific user
    @param \User $user
    Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:92
    public ensureUser()
    Ensure user (triggers ensure() method on \User object that trace)
    Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:103
    public getUser()
    Get user from manager
    Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:85
$tabularData array(5)
'date' => string(10) "2013-01-01"
'allowed' => boolFALSE
'action' => string(8) "action 1"
'clicks' => integer46360
'impressions' => integer378150
'date' => string(10) "2013-01-02"
'allowed' => boolFALSE
'action' => string(8) "action 2"
'impressions' => integer366238
'date' => string(10) "2013-01-03"
'allowed' => boolTRUE
'action' => string(8) "action 3"
'clicks' => integer41435
'impressions' => integer201577
'date' => string(10) "2013-01-04"
'allowed' => boolFALSE
'action' => string(8) "action 4"
'impressions' => integer197610
'date' => string(10) "2013-01-05"
'allowed' => boolFALSE
'action' => string(8) "action 5"
'clicks' => integer40631
'impressions' => integer274568
$nestedArray array(5)
'user group 1' => array(2)
'user 1' => array(2)
'name' => string(6) "Name 1"
'surname' => string(9) "Surname 1"
'data' => array(2)
'conversions' => integer2091
'spent' => array(2)
'currency' => string(3) "EUR"
'amount' => integer223868
'user group 2' => array(2)
'user 2' => array(2)
'name' => string(6) "Name 2"
'surname' => string(9) "Surname 2"
'data' => array(2)
'conversions' => integer706
'spent' => array(2)
'currency' => string(3) "EUR"
'amount' => integer336510
'user group 3' => array(2)
'user 3' => array(2)
'name' => string(6) "Name 3"
'surname' => string(9) "Surname 3"
'data' => array(2)
'conversions' => integer3477
'spent' => array(2)
'currency' => string(3) "EUR"
'amount' => integer47251
'user group 4' => array(2)
'user 4' => array(2)
'name' => string(6) "Name 4"
'surname' => string(9) "Surname 4"
'data' => array(2)
'conversions' => integer4023
'spent' => array(2)
'currency' => string(3) "EUR"
'amount' => integer90725
'user group 5' => array(2)
'user 5' => array(2)
'name' => string(6) "Name 5"
'surname' => string(9) "Surname 5"
'data' => array(2)
'conversions' => integer1337
'spent' => array(2)
'currency' => string(3) "EUR"
'amount' => integer484113


1 <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:75
  • Source
  • 68 * @param \DateTime $date
    69 */
    70 public function setCreatedDate( DateTime $date ) { $this->createdDate = $date; }
    72 /**
    73 * Dummy method that triggers trace
    74 */
    75 public function ensure() { Kint::trace(); }
    76 }
    78 class UserManager
    79 {
    80 private $user;
    82 /**
2 <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:103User->ensure()
  • Source
  • Callee object [User]
  • 96 }
    98 /**
    99 * Ensure user (triggers ensure() method on \User object that trace)
    100 *
    101 * @void
    102 */
    103 public function ensureUser() { $this->user->ensure(); }
    104 }
    106 $user = new User;
    107 $user->setAdditionalData( array(
    108 'last_login' => new DateTime(),
    109 'current_unix_timestamp' => time(),
    110 'random_rgb_color_code' => '#FF9900',
  • User(4)
    • contents
    • Available methods (8)
    • Static class properties (4)
    • public additionalData -> array(5)
      'last_login' => DateTime(3)
      • contents
      • Available methods (18)
      • Static class properties (12)
      • public date -> string(26) "2025-03-15 15:00:54.000000"
        public timezone_type -> integer3
        public timezone -> string(3) "UTC"
      • public static __set_state()
        Defined in :
        public static createFromFormat($format, $time, $object)
        Defined in :
        public static getLastErrors()
        Defined in :
        public __construct($time, $object)
        Defined in :
        public __wakeup()
        Defined in :
        public add($interval)
        Defined in :
        public diff($object, $absolute)
        Defined in :
        public format($format)
        Defined in :
        public getOffset()
        Defined in :
        public getTimestamp()
        Defined in :
        public getTimezone()
        Defined in :
        public modify($modify)
        Defined in :
        public setDate($year, $month, $day)
        Defined in :
        public setISODate($year, $week, $day)
        Defined in :
        public setTime($hour, $minute, $second)
        Defined in :
        public setTimestamp($unixtimestamp)
        Defined in :
        public setTimezone($timezone)
        Defined in :
        public sub($interval)
        Defined in :
      • constant ATOM :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
        constant COOKIE :: string(16) "l, d-M-Y H:i:s T"
        constant ISO8601 :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sO"
        constant RFC822 :: string(16) "D, d M y H:i:s O"
        constant RFC850 :: string(16) "l, d-M-y H:i:s T"
        constant RFC1036 :: string(16) "D, d M y H:i:s O"
        constant RFC1123 :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
        constant RFC2822 :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
        constant RFC3339 :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
        constant RFC3339_EXTENDED :: string(15) "Y-m-d\TH:i:s.vP"
        constant RSS :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
        constant W3C :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
      'current_unix_timestamp' => integer1742050854
      • timestamp
      • 2025-03-15 15:00:54
      'random_rgb_color_code' => string(7) "#FF9900"
      • CSS color
      • #FF9900
        hex : #ff9900 rgb : rgb( 255, 153, 0 ) hsl : hsl( 36, 100%, 50% )
      'impressions' => integer60
      'nickname' => string(8) "Someuser"
      private username -> string(13) "demo_username"
      private password -> string(13) "demo_password"
      private createdDate -> DateTime(3)
      • contents
      • Available methods (18)
      • Static class properties (12)
      • public date -> string(26) "2013-10-10 00:00:00.000000"
        public timezone_type -> integer3
        public timezone -> string(3) "UTC"
      • public static __set_state()
        Defined in :
        public static createFromFormat($format, $time, $object)
        Defined in :
        public static getLastErrors()
        Defined in :
        public __construct($time, $object)
        Defined in :
        public __wakeup()
        Defined in :
        public add($interval)
        Defined in :
        public diff($object, $absolute)
        Defined in :
        public format($format)
        Defined in :
        public getOffset()
        Defined in :
        public getTimestamp()
        Defined in :
        public getTimezone()
        Defined in :
        public modify($modify)
        Defined in :
        public setDate($year, $month, $day)
        Defined in :
        public setISODate($year, $week, $day)
        Defined in :
        public setTime($hour, $minute, $second)
        Defined in :
        public setTimestamp($unixtimestamp)
        Defined in :
        public setTimezone($timezone)
        Defined in :
        public sub($interval)
        Defined in :
      • constant ATOM :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
        constant COOKIE :: string(16) "l, d-M-Y H:i:s T"
        constant ISO8601 :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sO"
        constant RFC822 :: string(16) "D, d M y H:i:s O"
        constant RFC850 :: string(16) "l, d-M-y H:i:s T"
        constant RFC1036 :: string(16) "D, d M y H:i:s O"
        constant RFC1123 :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
        constant RFC2822 :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
        constant RFC3339 :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
        constant RFC3339_EXTENDED :: string(15) "Y-m-d\TH:i:s.vP"
        constant RSS :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
        constant W3C :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
    • public __construct()
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:39
      public ensure()
      Dummy method that triggers trace
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:75
      public getCreatedDate() -> \DateTime date object
      @return \DateTime date object
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:65
      public getFullName() -> string
      @return string
      Inherited from BaseUser
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:24
      public isEqualTo(BaseUser $user)
      Check is user is equal to another user
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:44
      public setAdditionalData(array $data)
      Set additional data
      @array $data
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:60
      public setCreatedDate(DateTime $date)
      @param \DateTime $date
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:70
      public setUsername($username) -> array
      Get data from this demo class
      @param string $username
      @return array
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:53
    • constant DEFAULT_PATH :: string(17) "some/default/path"
      constant ROLE_DISALLOWED :: integer1
      constant ROLE_ALLOWED :: integer2
      constant ROLE_FORBIDDEN :: integer3
3 <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:174UserManager->ensureUser()
  • Source
  • Callee object [UserManager]
  • 167 <h3>Debug variables</h3>
    168 <?php
    169 $userManager->debugUser( $user );
    170 d( $userManager, $tabularData );
    171 d( $nestedArray );
    172 ?>
    173 <h3>Trace</h3>
    174 <?php $userManager->ensureUser(); ?>
    175 </body>
    176 </html>
  • UserManager(1)
    • contents
    • Available methods (3)
    • private user -> User(4)
      • contents
      • Available methods (8)
      • Static class properties (4)
      • public additionalData -> array(5)
        'last_login' => DateTime(3)
        • contents
        • Available methods (18)
        • Static class properties (12)
        • public date -> string(26) "2025-03-15 15:00:54.000000"
          public timezone_type -> integer3
          public timezone -> string(3) "UTC"
        • public static __set_state()
          Defined in :
          public static createFromFormat($format, $time, $object)
          Defined in :
          public static getLastErrors()
          Defined in :
          public __construct($time, $object)
          Defined in :
          public __wakeup()
          Defined in :
          public add($interval)
          Defined in :
          public diff($object, $absolute)
          Defined in :
          public format($format)
          Defined in :
          public getOffset()
          Defined in :
          public getTimestamp()
          Defined in :
          public getTimezone()
          Defined in :
          public modify($modify)
          Defined in :
          public setDate($year, $month, $day)
          Defined in :
          public setISODate($year, $week, $day)
          Defined in :
          public setTime($hour, $minute, $second)
          Defined in :
          public setTimestamp($unixtimestamp)
          Defined in :
          public setTimezone($timezone)
          Defined in :
          public sub($interval)
          Defined in :
        • constant ATOM :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
          constant COOKIE :: string(16) "l, d-M-Y H:i:s T"
          constant ISO8601 :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sO"
          constant RFC822 :: string(16) "D, d M y H:i:s O"
          constant RFC850 :: string(16) "l, d-M-y H:i:s T"
          constant RFC1036 :: string(16) "D, d M y H:i:s O"
          constant RFC1123 :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
          constant RFC2822 :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
          constant RFC3339 :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
          constant RFC3339_EXTENDED :: string(15) "Y-m-d\TH:i:s.vP"
          constant RSS :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
          constant W3C :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
        'current_unix_timestamp' => integer1742050854
        • timestamp
        • 2025-03-15 15:00:54
        'random_rgb_color_code' => string(7) "#FF9900"
        • CSS color
        • #FF9900
          hex : #ff9900 rgb : rgb( 255, 153, 0 ) hsl : hsl( 36, 100%, 50% )
        'impressions' => integer60
        'nickname' => string(8) "Someuser"
        private username -> string(13) "demo_username"
        private password -> string(13) "demo_password"
        private createdDate -> DateTime(3)
        • contents
        • Available methods (18)
        • Static class properties (12)
        • public date -> string(26) "2013-10-10 00:00:00.000000"
          public timezone_type -> integer3
          public timezone -> string(3) "UTC"
        • public static __set_state()
          Defined in :
          public static createFromFormat($format, $time, $object)
          Defined in :
          public static getLastErrors()
          Defined in :
          public __construct($time, $object)
          Defined in :
          public __wakeup()
          Defined in :
          public add($interval)
          Defined in :
          public diff($object, $absolute)
          Defined in :
          public format($format)
          Defined in :
          public getOffset()
          Defined in :
          public getTimestamp()
          Defined in :
          public getTimezone()
          Defined in :
          public modify($modify)
          Defined in :
          public setDate($year, $month, $day)
          Defined in :
          public setISODate($year, $week, $day)
          Defined in :
          public setTime($hour, $minute, $second)
          Defined in :
          public setTimestamp($unixtimestamp)
          Defined in :
          public setTimezone($timezone)
          Defined in :
          public sub($interval)
          Defined in :
        • constant ATOM :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
          constant COOKIE :: string(16) "l, d-M-Y H:i:s T"
          constant ISO8601 :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sO"
          constant RFC822 :: string(16) "D, d M y H:i:s O"
          constant RFC850 :: string(16) "l, d-M-y H:i:s T"
          constant RFC1036 :: string(16) "D, d M y H:i:s O"
          constant RFC1123 :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
          constant RFC2822 :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
          constant RFC3339 :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
          constant RFC3339_EXTENDED :: string(15) "Y-m-d\TH:i:s.vP"
          constant RSS :: string(16) "D, d M Y H:i:s O"
          constant W3C :: string(13) "Y-m-d\TH:i:sP"
      • public __construct()
        Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:39
        public ensure()
        Dummy method that triggers trace
        Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:75
        public getCreatedDate() -> \DateTime date object
        @return \DateTime date object
        Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:65
        public getFullName() -> string
        @return string
        Inherited from BaseUser
        Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:24
        public isEqualTo(BaseUser $user)
        Check is user is equal to another user
        Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:44
        public setAdditionalData(array $data)
        Set additional data
        @array $data
        Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:60
        public setCreatedDate(DateTime $date)
        @param \DateTime $date
        Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:70
        public setUsername($username) -> array
        Get data from this demo class
        @param string $username
        @return array
        Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:53
      • constant DEFAULT_PATH :: string(17) "some/default/path"
        constant ROLE_DISALLOWED :: integer1
        constant ROLE_ALLOWED :: integer2
        constant ROLE_FORBIDDEN :: integer3
    • public debugUser($user)
      Debug specific user
      @param \User $user
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:92
      public ensureUser()
      Ensure user (triggers ensure() method on \User object that trace)
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:103
      public getUser()
      Get user from manager
      Defined in <ROOT>/vendor/raveren/kint/examples/overview.php:85